Monday, November 24, 2008


Well the BiG wait for TwiLiGhT is over! Ben really wanted to see it at 12:01 am. We looked in eVeRy theater in Salt Lake county and Provo County, there was NOT a single ticket left! But there were lines and lines of people waiting in line to get a good spot. We were LauGHinG because most of them had their BoOKs in hand and were reading intently. Yeah we wanted to see it, but not that bad. I actually got invited to go and see it with some of my fRieNdS from SeViEr VaLlEy. I had so much FUN. I hadn't seen most of them for 5 months or so. We started the night off with dinner at El Mexicano and then went to the theater. I didn't like the movie much. In fact, not at all. What I had pictured in my head was completely diFFereNt than the movie. I was picturing drop dead GoRgRouS vampires, not mediocre looking vampires. But the company was good.

This is Cassidy and I, her eyes make mine look brown. These are some of my favorite people in this world. Above is Nanda and Cherry. Cherry hates pictures. I tried to tell her it would just be better if she'd pose. She didn't listen, and she looks guilty of something. Sorry Cherry. Next time just smile!

Heres April and Julie, and everyone at El Mexicano.
Hey everyone,
ThAnKs For inviting me I had a Blast. It was good to see everyone.


Cherish Cowley said...

Fun Fun Times. I took Sheradie to the movie on Saturday. I was disappointed, but I don't know if it was because it was over or if it was just cheesy in some parts. I did like it, but like I said it had a few cheesy parts. Sheradie liked it but was mad because they left so many parts out. Anyway, there is my take on it. I am interested to see New Moon and I am curious if a bigger budget will make a better movie?

Barlow Fam said...

I haven't seen it yet, but I keep getting mixed reviews about it! It sounded like a fun evening anyway! I hope that you are doing well, we still need to hang out we only live like 25 or so minutes away and we haven't seen eachother yet!!

AMY said...

I am sooo jealous that I wasn't there. I heard you guys had a blast. I, personally, really liked the movie but I guess I'm just hard up for some good teenage lovin'!