Monday, March 16, 2009

6 Random Things-

Rochelle was kind enough to tag me since I've done it to her a couple of times. She told me it was pay back, not because she really wanted to know anything about me:) Well not in that many words.

1- Post the rules on your blog. 2- List 6 random things about yourself. 3- Tag 6 people at the end of your post. 4- Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1- I am currently trying to grow my nails out. My right hand is longer than the left and I'm really thinking of chopping them off. Can't stand it!!

2-As you may have seen my previous blog, I am trying to quit drinking Dr Pepper. Well after I broke that habbit, I switched to something a little stronger- Pepsi- Mmmmm

3-Everytime I see a crouton I think of my nephew Brigham. Whenever I have a salad with croutons on it, he steals them before I can even get one! Lepord skin makes me think of Lainee, Books remind me of McKenna. I find myslef looking for good books for her frequently. Pink and John deer remind me of Brecken, and anything cowboy has Miles' name all over it.

4- I'm so sick of my car. I want a new one real, real bad. Something bigger than a Saturn. Shouldn't be hard to find.

5- I think it is fun to make Ben learn songs to sing with me, like Nick and Jessica's Baby its cold outside. He doesn't love it so much.

6- I should be doing homework. I'll do Anything I can to procrastinate until the VERY last minute.

Now I tag- Annie, Laura, Katrina, Jackie, Jill (mom), and Matea


Brad and Rochelle said...

YAY! See I told you that you could do it! And yes I do want to know about you silly! I just felt bad tagging everyone cause it took so long for me to do it. And then I recalled you tagging me with a bunch of things that I had to think up 8 things so then it took away a little of the guilt :) You really need to rent that house in bountiful too so you are closer! And we can hang :)

Jeannie said...

Hey on the car thing i will try to help you on the getting rid of the saturn part of that