2- We're ExcITed to go to MoNRoe for Brecken's BaPTIsm
3- Ben is now working at GoLD's GYm
4- We Got a NeW car is April ---its a HyUndAi Sonata
5- I cLEaneD and OrGanIZed our home for 10 hours yesterday
6-I'm starting SChoOl again on Monday
7- I'm About to BuSt out the smell of FaLL for my ScENtSy!
8- We decided to CAnCel our CAblE--It HasN't been Easy-- We miss the DVR!
9- We turned in Ben's ImmIGraTioN papers, so hopefully that's out of the way for 10 YEaRs!
10- LiVing on the 3rd FLooR is getting ReAllY OLD!
Hope You're All doing Well!